The numbers in the boxes in the load list at the bottom of the window show the percentage of the next hour that a vehicle will be occupied.
If the number exceeds 100, it means that the vehicle is late for a job, e.g. 150 means that the vehicle is half an hour late, 200 that the vehicle is an hour late, etc.
The w and f stands for “wait” and “free” respectively. The wait means how long the vehicle has been waiting for passenger at the pick up location. When there’s a dash (-) before the number, it means that the driver is early and it then becomes a countdown for when the job is due. The free is an estimate on when the driver will be free for a new job.
“Jobs” is very simple, this just tells you how many jobs are assigned to a vehicle.
The color codes used for the vehicles on the map are: green = the vehicle is available blue = the vehicle is on its way to pick up a customer orange = the vehicle is at the pick up address waiting for the passenger to turn up red = the vehicle is occupied yellow = the vehicle is away, not accepting new jobs
There are only two color codes in the window displaying the zone queues green = the vehicle is available and is waiting in the zone queue red = the vehicle is not waiting in the zone queue (occupied, on its way to a job, waiting for a passenger at the pick up address or away)
The color codes for the load list at the bottom of the window are: green = low load, the vehicle has few jobs assigned for the next 60 minutes yellow = high load, means that the vehicle is occupied more than 50% of the next 60 minutes red = it looks as the vehicle will be late for one or several jobs assigned to it But the id numbers to the left have the same color codes as the vehicles on the map.
Highlights: Purple - this means driver has 0 credits for Automatic Accounting feature Red - this means vehicle is suspended
Please find more information about the load list by going here