Why can't I use text-back?

The text-back functionality is rendered obsolete with the release of the Notifications section and the Envelope App.

With Envelope, you can have either all texts sent from one device or the texts sent from the drivers device, or even both. For example, if your driver has support for sending text messages, he/she will be the dedicated text sender. If they do not have support for sending text messages the the text messages will still be sent, only from the dedicated Envelope device instead.

How-to make it so the driver(s) only send text messages for the jobs they are assigned to:

  1. Edit their user profile and specify that they cover both the role “Driver” and “Messenger.”
  2. As long as their Android device supports sending text messages, the system will handle the rest.

*Good to know: If you have a dedicated text sender and several drivers that can send text messages, but some drivers that can’t, that’s no problem at all. If the driver has support for sending text messages and the Messenger role, he/she will be the sender. If the driver doesn’t, the dedicated Envelope device will.

*How-to make it so the texts are all sent from one number:

  1. Create one user that has the Messenger role and no other roles.
  2. Leave this user signed in to the Envelope App.
  3. Ensure there are no drivers that have the Messenger role as well as the Driver role.
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