Expires: The time interval between attempts to re-register to avoid losing the connection with the VoIP provider.
Keep-alive interval: The time interval between attempts to extend the current registration in order to avoid losing connection with the VoIP provider.
Populate on: This option controls at which stage the information attached to the caller ID should populate the “New job” tab. If you set this to “Answer call”, the job details of the caller ID will not populate until you answer the call (click on the green handset). If you set this to “Incoming call”, the details attached to the caller ID will populate the “New job” tab immediately at the time the call comes in to the softphone.
If users on your phone system are being connected to two endpoints at the same time (one TaxiCaller softphone and one desktop phone), you need to have it set to “Incoming call." This is so that the caller ID information is received when the call comes in, while still allowing you to pick up the call on your desktop phone.
Clean jobs: This option controls how much information from the previous job should populate the “New job” tab upon the caller ID appearing. If you enable this option, only the pick-up, drop-off, passenger and phone number will populate. If you do not have this option enabled, all information such as number of passengers, number of bags, vehicle type, anything written in the information box, as well as any potential tags, will populate the booking form.
Reset job counts: This option is similar to “Clean jobs,” but it only controls the number of passengers, bags, wheelchairs and cars from any previous jobs. So, if you enable only this option but not the “Clean jobs” option, only the counts (passenger, bags, wheelchair and cars) will be reset on the job details, whereas the information in the info box, potential tags and vehicles type selection will still be included.
Caller-ID replace [ ] with [ ]: This option allows you to handle different formats of telephone numbers in a standardized way. For example, some PBXs add an extra 0 as a prefix to a phone number. This may cause other issues in the system, such as the textback feature not working correctly. If this is the case with your phone system, you may set it to “Replace 0 with "[blank],” which will then remove the 0 and simply use only the telephone number. Or for example, if you want to remove potential country codes from phone numbers, you may do “Replace +1 with [blank]”, which will remove the +1 from being added to the booking form.
Force transfer: This simply presents the option of transferring a call regardless if our softphone has received confirmation from the VoIP provider whose services is connected. Please note that this does not mean that you will be able to transfer calls magically, but only that you will be presented with the button for transferring calls regardless if the TaxiCaller softphone has received instructions of allowing this option or not.
The reason for why we have developed this is because not all VoIP solutions fully support the SIP standard and have not yet added the transfer feature to their SIP service, but might still have support for transferring calls through the SIP standard. In this case, the force transfer option might enable you to make transfers even though the VoIP provider doesn’t explicitly state that it’s possible.