What is the traffic rate and how does it work?

Note! This option is only available when you are using the in-app taximeter.

The traffic rate is the rate that applies when your vehicle is standing still during a job. The traffic rate only applies when you are in the POB stage of the Driver App and never before it. If you want to apply a rate to when you are standing still on the pick-up point waiting for the passenger, this is the rate called “Waiting rate” which is also configured on the same page.

The traffic rate is charged through the distance rate. This means that the algorithm is taking your distance rate and your traffic rate and then calculates how much the time stood still would be worth in distance. The distance rate and traffic rate can never be charged at the same time and the taximeter’s decision whether you’re in “traffic rate” or “distance rate” is based on whether you stand still or not. Whether you stand still or not is determined by your GPS coordinates.

We are aware this sounds quite complicated, however, this algorithm is based on the physical taximeter standard. Keep in mind that the quality of the in-app taximeter for distance or traffic rate solely relies on the quality of your GPS.

–When there’s uncertainty on whether traffic rate or distance rate is used, a good rule of thumb can be whatever rate ends up being the most expensive is the one the taximeter will choose over the other. -Granted that this can change depending on what speed you are driving in (or the perceived speed based on the GPS data available).

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