Is billing based on the number of vehicles in the system or is it based on the number of vehicles that log into the system that month?

Billing works on a vehicle activations per calendar month basis. A vehicle is considered activated when it has been logged into and selected by a driver in the Driver App. Activating a vehicle will also give it a green check mark in the list of vehicles in the Admin Panel and deducts funds from your account balance.

Calendar month basis: Whether you activate a vehicle on the 5th of a month or on the 25th of a month, it will be available only until the last of that month. When a new month starts, your vehicle activations will be reset and any funds left on your account balance will be transferred to the next month.

Prorated price: If you reach a new all-time high number of vehicle activations in the middle of a month, the extra activated vehicles will be at a prorated price equal to the time left in that month.*

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vehicle activation | calendar | ATH | all time high |