Can the passengers add tips?

There are three ways that you can handle tips in the TaxiCaller system, there are 2 ways that are available right away, the other requires that you set up an external payment processor known as Stripe (but the Stripe part is a bit more in-depth).

Method 1 – Just adding a higher paid value will register the extra amount paid as a tip. Once you have a price from either the in-app taximeter or just a quoted price (if you don’t use the in-app taximeter) you confirm or edit this cost and move forward.


You select the payment method (which will also be the payment method you tip in) file

When you specify how much cash you want to pay, going above the amount due automatically turns this into an “extra payment” which is interpreted as a “tip” file

In the example below you can see that the “Total” amount is USD 8, but the amount paid in cash is 10, making it an extra payment of USD 2.00 (as you can see at the bottom as well “extra amount paid 2.00”) file

In the fare receipt (found in the job editor) it looks like this, where you can see the “total tip” amount included. file

Method 2 - Tips configured as an “extra” cost NOTE! This method requires that you have detailed payment flow enabled from Settings > Dispatch > 1. General > Payment Options.

The other way to do tips is by adding “Extras” in the form of percentage. The most common ones to add would be 5%, 10%, 15% (this you have to do manually of course)

You can add extras in the Tariffs section of the Admin Panel: file file file

Method 3 -This would require that your account is tied to Stripe as Stripe has a built-in tip function (this is handled outside of TaxiCaller so to speak). For more information on how to set up Stripe and whether it’s available in your country, please go here:

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