Customer Survey Results: What Our Customers Think
The 2021 TaxiCaller Customer Survey
One of TaxiCaller’s core values is ‘We are Curious’. This means that we constantly ask questions to make sure we’re on the right path towards our mission to help our customers thrive. In the fall of 2021, we sent out a survey to all of our customers to get some insights on how they feel about us, what we are doing well, and what we could put some more effort into. We covered as many topics as possible and we got quite an impressive response rate. Thank you to everyone that participated!
Below, we will discuss some of the responses we received and what our plans are going forward.
Why Our Customers Choose TaxiCaller
We are always curious to know the top factors customers choose us as their dispatch software provider. We take the responsibility very seriously and we want to make sure we keep living up to expectations and deliver the best service possible.
The number one top answer was “Our Pricing Model.” The pay-as-you-go model allows our customers to take control of their business and always know what they will have to pay. No surprises, no hidden fees, and no contract means that you can cancel anytime and creates a voluntary and risk-free commitment. Simply put; if we don’t perform, we will not keep our customers.
The second reason is the “Value for the Money.” Not only is our monthly fee very competitive, our customers also only pay for the vehicles that they activate each month. So, there is no paying for anything they don’t need. Everything is included; dispatch, driver app, all booking channels, admin features, 24/7 support, and much more which makes the TaxiCaller system one of the most cost-efficient dispatch systems on the market. This has shown us that we deliver relevant functionalities that our customers need and expect without having to hand out piles of money.
The third most popular reason was that there is “No Installation Needed.” The system is completely cloud-based so it could not be any simpler to get started with us and it can be used from basically anywhere in the world. When you register for an account, you can start testing the system immediately for free. A test driver and dispatcher are there waiting for you to get going.
How Did We Rate?
We asked our customers to rate us on three different categories that we have identified as extremely important. These were Customer Service, Ease of Use, and Value for the Money. We also decided to break them down based on our English-speaking and Spanish-speaking customers.
Customer Service
For us, it’s extremely important that our customer service is available, friendly, and professional. Of our English-speaking respondents, more than 8 out of 10 are really satisfied with our customer service, whilst the same number for Spanish-speaking respondents is 5 out of 10.
These numbers gave us some really great insight so we can continue to improve and work on our customer service with our Spanish-speaking customers. Since not all of our support agents speak Spanish, there might be some waiting time in the online chat during the busiest hours. All agents have access to a translator tool, but sometimes the customer wants a Spanish-speaking agent. We’re looking into how we can increase accessibility to provide faster response times to Spanish-speaking clients.
Ease of Use
It is important for us to know how our customers view the ease of use of our system. It is complex, and there are a lot of settings to make sure the system is optimized. Many of our customers switch to TaxiCaller from a non-digital system and with little to no experience of a digital dispatch system, it can be a high threshold to cross.
Ease of Use gets 8 out of 10 from our English-speaking respondents, so they feel that the system is quite easy to use. Of our Spanish-speaking customers, only slightly more than 4 out of 10 think the system is easy to use. Most of them are neutral, but that is not good enough for us!
We see this as an area of opportunity for us. We have been working on improving our online guides and manuals, as well as our knowledge base, to make it easier to get the settings right. However, we plan to create more instructional videos that will make it even easier. We also offer new prospects free personalized demos and account reviews to get started. But, it doesn’t end there; all customers are regularly invited to book an account review to ensure everything is optimized to their specific needs. Account reviews are highly appreciated and something we strongly recommend.
Value for the Money
In our English-speaking areas, almost 9 out of 10 English-speaking respondents, and 6 out of 10 Spanish-speaking respondents feel that we offer very good value for the money.
The fact that so many of our customers feel that we are providing good value for the money is an acknowledgment that we are super proud of. This is our ultimate proof that we deliver a high-quality system that is truly contributing to our customers’ success. However, even though the results are making us proud and encouraged, we see that there is room for improvement for our Spanish-speaking customers. By improving the customer support experience and usability, we are pretty sure that the value for the money will increase, as well.
The Most Popular Booking Channels
We wanted to get a feel for what the most popular booking channels are to make sure we cater to those options but also help our customers learn about the benefits of each and how to increase their bookings with other booking channels.
We separated the results between English-speaking and Spanish-speaking customers. It just so happens that the results were quite different for each market except for the top booking channel. Can you guess what it is? Phone Calls! It may not come as a surprise to many but even in this technological age, phone calls are the top booking channel.
For our English-speaking customers, the Passenger App came second followed by Web Bookings, Ride Hailing, and the Reception Tool. The less used booking options were WhatsApp and TaxiCaller Express.
For the Spanish-speaking customers, WhatsApp was the second most used booking channel, followed by the Passenger App and Ride Hailing. Next came the web booking form, with the Reception Tool coming last and no TaxiCaller Express users.
The results show that there are still opportunities to use more channels to get more bookings. All of our booking channels can be used in conjunction with one another, and they are all included in the subscription fee. If you aren’t aware of their respective benefits, see our other blog posts about the booking channels and learn how to use them effectively.
What We Do Well AND What We Should Improve Upon
In order to get a well-rounded view of what our respondents believe we do well and what we need to improve, we opened it up so they could write down their exact thoughts. We found that there was an overall consensus that we do a wide range of specific functionalities really well along with customer service.
For specific functionalities, we received high praise surrounding Usability, the Dispatch Console, Assigning Calls, Vehicle Tracking, History Replay, Stability, and Security. Concerning customer service, our customers also really like our 24/7 availability and found our representatives to be very helpful and friendly.
When we asked about what we should improve, the most mentioned items included the iOS version of the Driver App and better training materials and online tutorials for our Spanish-speaking customers. We are taking these to heart and working on ways to solve these issues.
Our Action Plan
TaxiCaller is on a mission to help taxi companies around the world thrive. We are very pleased to see that we deliver lots of value to our clients and we are truly proud of being able to contribute to their success.
From the results, we have also found areas that need some extra attention and those will be a focus for us this year. We have actually already addressed some of the items on our customers’ wish list, but you can rest assured that more will come. Once again, thank you to everyone who took the time to answer the survey, it makes a difference!
Remember, we are here on your time, on your schedule. Don’t hesitate to contact our support team if you have questions, concerns, or any feedback.