What does "FOP" mean in custom reports?

FOP stands for form of payment. It’s an abbrieviation used in the reports.

Depending on which tag you use when generating your reports, the result will change in the FOP column.

For example, when using “[pay_shares.primary_payment]” (recommended) you’ll see letters representing each FOP:

C - Cash (The default payment method)

A - Account (this means it’s a job that’s billed to a customer account)

E - E-tickets (exclusive to rebranded apps)

PC - Promo code (exclusive to rebranded apps)

CC - Credit card (also known as card present payments, where the driver has a card reader in the car)

APP - In-app payment

NOT - Not settled (a placeholder payment method, often used if you have an external payment solution that isn’t tied to TaxiCaller)

When using “[receipt.payment.comps[0].type],” you’ll see the result as a number and you can find which number each FOP relates to:

0 - Cash

10 - Billed

20 - In-app payment

30 - Promotions

31 - E-Ticket

32 - Pre-Paid

999 - Not-Settled

You can read more about payment methods here: https://www.taxicaller.com/manuals/admin-panel/3/en/topic/advanced-payment-options#manual-topic-language

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FOP | form of payment | custom reports | reports | 20 | 10 | 31 | 0 | 999 | C | A | E | PC | CC | APP | NOT |