Related topics are listed below.
Notifications Tags
Settings » Notifications » Notifications Tags
You can find this feature by going to Settings>Notifications>Tags in the Admin Panel. You can create personalized messages for your rides adding the following tags to the message in the Customer section and Internal-Email section.
Users Tags
Settings » Users » Users Tags
Create user tags In the Tags tab you can create tags which you can later set on your drivers and dispatchers. You can fully customize which tags to add and you can create up to 25 tags of each kind. To create them or edit them, click on the Add button at the…
Vehicle Tags
Settings » Vehicles » Vehicle Tags
Vehicle tags is a feature that will let you add more information on the services that you provide to fully customize a job. The system will allow you to add up to 25 tags. To create them or edit them, click on the Add button and then click on Save when you’re…
Settings » Vehicles
Create and Modify your Vehicles Vehicle Types Vehicle Tags Vehicle Permits Vehicle Archive
Settings » Notifications
Customer Internal – Email Receipts Notifications Settings Notifications Tags The Envelope App
Internal – Email
Settings » Notifications » Internal – Email
Send internal emails to your company crew. You can send automatic emails for different status of the job to your personal. You can also add personalized messages using the tags in the tag section. The internal emails notifications are configured in the same way the…
Customer Notifications
Settings » Notifications » Customer Notifications
You can find this feature by going to Settings>Notifications>Customer in the Admin Panel. Send emails and SMS to your passengers You can send automatic emails and SMS to your passengers at several different stages of a ride. For example at the moment when a…
Settings » Notifications » Receipts
Send receipts to your passengers! To be able to send receipts to your passengers, configure the settings in Settings>Notifications>Receipts in the Admin Panel. The fields in this section will contain the information you wish to display in your receipts. …
Create and Modify your Vehicles
Settings » Vehicles » Create and Modify your Vehicles
Navigate to the Vehicle section of the Admin Panel, to create and manage your vehicles. In this view, you will see a vehicle list. You can use the search bar at the top to easily filter through a large number of vehicles. You can configure the basic options directly…
Advanced Options for Users
Settings » Users » Create and Modify your Users » Advanced Options for Users
To access to the advanced options for users click on the arrow to display de menu. General In this section, you can specify if your user is going to be a messenger. You can also add an Address and a Note for the user if desired. This information will not be…