Check if any drivers are suspended

To do this simply click on the Suspensions button at the top of the screen. You will see a panel that lists the suspensions, the start and end date/time, the reason for the suspension and which vehicle was involved. A suspended driver will not be able to start a shift.

Suspend a driver

  • Bring up the vehicle details panel by clicking on the vehicle number in the vehicle list or the zone queues section.
  • You will see a red button Suspend driver. When you click on it you will be able to determine the duration of the suspension and write a comment if an explanation is necessary.
  • Click on the Suspend button to make this effective.

Suspend a vehicle

  • Bring up the vehicle details panel by clicking on the vehicle number in the vehicle list or the zone queues section.
  • Find the text “Vehicle Suspended” and click on Change.
  • Change it to a Yes and click on Apply.

“Kick” a driver out

If you wish to have a driver out of a certain vehicle profile (for example if you wish to have a different user in it instead), you can simply kick a driver out without needing to suspend them. The driver will be signed out of their current shift. They are still able to start a new shift with a different vehicle.

You can find the button at the bottom of the vehicle details panel.